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Banana Yield Improvement in Colombia

In the lush banana plantations of Colombia's Magdalena region, farmers faced the challenge of maintaining high yields while reducing chemical inputs. Millman Systems introduced Nutreent, an innovative soil amendment, to address these concerns. The study was conducted on two farms: Finca Adelaida in Cienaga and Finca San Pedro in Sevilla.

Key findings include:

  • Up to 18.4% increase in bunch weight
  • Improved fruit caliber by up to 9.9%
  • 15% average yield increase across both farms
  • Enhanced root development and overall plant vigor
  • Reduced need for synthetic fertilizers

This case study demonstrates Nutreent's potential to revolutionize banana production while promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Colombia's vital banana industry.

About us

Maximizing crop yields in agriculture increases earnings, food security, and sustainability, which aligns with farmers' major productivity goals.



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