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Cowpea Productivity Enhancement in Ghana

In Ghana, where cowpea is a crucial source of protein, farmers struggled with low yields due to poor soil fertility. Millman Systems introduced Nutreent to address these challenges. The study used the Songotra variety of cowpea and tested six different Nutreent concentrations.

Key findings include:

  • Up to 45.6% increase in plant height
  • 84.2% increase in branch number
  • 62.8% larger stem girth
  • 107.3% increase in pod count
  • 381.9% increase in grain yield
  • 48.7% longer pods
  • 129.4% increase in seed weight

This case study highlights Nutreent's potential to significantly enhance cowpea production, improving food security and farmer incomes in Ghana and potentially across West Africa.

About us

Maximizing crop yields in agriculture increases earnings, food security, and sustainability, which aligns with farmers' major productivity goals.



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